
معلومات الشركة

نشاط بيئي

السياسة البيئية

On the design, development, manufacture, sale, and service activity of automatic valves and its associated equipments, Yoshitake promotes environmental load reduction activities continuously in consideration of environment, and runs business operations effectively.

  1. Make compliance with laws and regulations on the environment.
  2. Enhance the emergency response while making great effort on the environmental protection.
  3. Take into account the impact on the environment regarding the product development and performing the product assessment.

Establishment: February 15, 2000
Revision: October 11, 2000
Revision: April 2, 2001
Revision: April 9, 2002
Amendment: April 13, 2004
Amendment: June 14, 2005
Amendment: January 23, 2006
Amendment: April 1, 2007
Amendment: April 14, 2009
Amendment: February 12, 2014
Amendment: April 8, 2014
Amendment: January 21, 2016
Amendment: April 8, 2021

كتالوج رقمي

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