
معلومات الشركة

رسالة من الرئيس

Yoshitake marked its 78th anniversary on February 2022.

Thanks to huge support and patronage from many customers, we have grown larger through the years, with quality first as our motto.

Yoshitake's products are widely used in buildings, factories, plants and various production facilities.
Intellectual asset supported by Yoshitake's long history covers not only manufacturing but also optimization and maintenance of a whole piping system.
Piping systems are crucial to buildings and facilities and it is like a blood vessel system in a human body.
Then various valves are like organs.
Buildings and production facilities can be fully utilized for a long time only when both piping and valves are optimally designed.

Optimal valve and piping application is directly linked to energy-saving performance and environmental performance. Besides, we will continue pursuing energy saving and environmental performance also from point of view of manufacturing as a manufacturer.

We will provide best products and services in these fields without compromise.

We would appreciate your continued patronage.

تتسو يامادا

الرئيس، المدير التمثيلي
تتسو يامادا

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