
Информация о компании

Природоохранная деятельность

Профиль компании

Name of the corporation Yoshitake Inc.
Location of Head Office 2-27-1, Gokiso-tori, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 466-0015, Япония
President and Representative Director President Tetsu Yamada
Date of Establishment February 18, 1944
Capital 1,908,674,450 yen
No. of Employees 249 (as of the end of August, 2024)
Contents of business Manufacturing and sales of various types of valves for industrial usage, etc.
Business office Head Office Sendai Sales Office
Komaki Plant Shizuoka Sales Office
Tokyo Sales Office Hokuriku Sales Office
Nagoya Sales Office Hiroshima Sales Office
Oosaka Sales Office Fukuoka Sales Office
Sapporo Sales Office
Over sea network Yoshitake Works Thailand Ltd. (Thailand)

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